Zhag Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Zhag is a troll bouncer working in the Ironstein Mine Tavern. No one in the tavern knows why, but the troll listens to Hermina and generally does what she asks. He can be overly enthusiastic in his work, looking for every opportunity to inflict pain and throw people who get out of hand from the tavern. Generally this has worked well for Hermina, as there is rarely a problem with patrons in the tavern. However, the troll’s imposing presence may have affected sales. The normally boisterous dwarven miners tend to drink less when Zhag is on duty, which is whenever Hermina tends the bar. On the rare occasions Zhag is here while Hermina is elsewhere, the employees know to keep the troll well-fed with legs of mutton. Should Zhag become angry, either Grunder (the cook) or Bigglesby (the musician) will hurry to procure meat to calm their short-tempered troll. There is a growing concern that the tavern’s sheep supply has grown low, and what might happen if they run out. This has led the cook to consider other food options. The truth is Zhag is a gift to Hermina from the Voice, intended to guard and watch over her. Zhag has been a great protector, saving Hermina on more than one occasion, with the heads of his monstrous kills mounted on the walls of the tavern for all to see. Zhag knows the Voice is a dark presence deep within the caves, but will not speak of it. Zhag eagerly assists Hermina in her service to the Voice


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