Yibjib Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Yibjib is the leader of a tribe of kobolds who left deeper caverns when they were attacked by a growing evil (see The Voice). Following the guidance of their shaman, Chikachika, the tribe took up residence beneath the tavern. Yibjib always wears an oversized magic helmet which the kobold tribe views as a sacred treasure and symbol of leadership. Yibjib is a strong leader and has directed his clan to implement numerous traps to protect the warrens they call home, which could prove deadly to adventurers exploring the tunnels beneath the tavern (see the quests Tunnels and Thieves and All Plugged Up). Yibjib views the nearby dwarvish tavern as a great boon, as it provides easy access to food and offers protection against the darkness they feared in their old home. If approached cautiously, Yibjib could become an ally to the characters and the tavern.


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