Warai Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Warai is a tanuki, appearing as a two-foot-tall racoon-dog humanoid. Warai is supposed to help the brewmaster in the distillery but spends much of his time carousing at the bar or wandering the gardens with a cask of wine on his back. After the bar closes, Warai spends his evenings drinking wine in the cottage he shares with his ogre friend Taski. What He Knows. Warai knows that Namidaryu and Aibo’s spirits haunt the property and they are offended by Takakune’s recent changes. Warai has not told Takukane because he thinks the ambitious merchant must learn for himself. Warai does not know what will appease the spirits’ anger but will happily offer humorous if ineffective suggestions, such as sitting cross-legged in the pool while chanting “o-wa-ta-gu-sai-yam.” If pressed, he will suggest some of the owner’s changes should be undone while making offerings to the spirits, and recommend the characters speak with Jasmine.   Relations to the Spirits. Warai does not know Namidaryu and Aibo’s full story, only that they were a dragon and a human who lived long ago and were deeply in love. Warai will become alarmed if the spirit of anger manifests from the pool to threaten the tavern. GMs are encouraged to use Warai as a tool to guide characters who are unsure of what to do next.


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