Vogonis Yek’Hellik Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Vogonis Yek’Hellik

Vogonis is a drow spy on a reconnaissance mission to learn as much as possible about the reopened dwarven operations. She takes careful notes about everyone she meets in the tavern and makes detailed drawings of the tavern’s layout and maps of the caverns. Vogonis is polite but cold in her conversations. She does not attempt to hide her drow heritage and will say she is getting to know her new neighbors better. In a few days, Vogonis will return to her drow community, located several days’ travel from the Ironstein Mine. The drow will use her observations of her time in the tavern to decide what actions to take. Currently, the drow are considering all options, from setting up trade relations with the mine to initiating a surprise assault and claiming the mines for themselves. Should the players find themselves in a dire predicament somewhere in the caverns, she might appear to lend them a hand.


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