Vandleth, Wandering Wizard Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Vandleth, Wandering Wizard

Vandelth is a tall elven woman with blue-gray robes, a tallwooden staff, and a wide-brimmed pointy hat. Old even by elven standards, her hair is silvery-white, with crow’s feet and laugh lines etched into her face. Vandleth is usually sitting at the bar, asking the innkeeper about local news. Vandleth is aloof and easily distracted. She’s chronically late, forgetful, and has a tendency to vanish for months at a time, only to come back with stories of some great adventure. Her reputation is that of a nosy meddler—well intentioned, but wanting to be everywhere at once, and involved in everything. She’ll often butt into conversations if she overhears something interesting. Vandleth is a high elf mage with the following spells prepared:
  Cantrips: fire bolt, light, message, minor illusion, prestidigitation 1st level: mage armor, shield, thunderwave 2nd level: darkness, gust of wind 3rd level: haste, sending 4th level: banishment, wall of fire 5th level: legend lore


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