Ulguk Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


A tall, stocky orc woman who serves as the Dancing Horse’s head chef. Loud, blunt, and incredibly efficient, she treats the kitchen as her own kingdom, where her authority supersedes even Burton’s. (Use the berserker stat block.) Most days, she can be seen in a stained leather apron, the sleeves of her shirt rolled up over her massive arms. She is a passionate and knowledgeable chef—in fact, asking her for cooking advice is the only way into any sort of prolonged conversation with her. The other orcs in the kitchen are from her tribe. They’re clever and hardworking. They can seem a little rough, but Burton trusts them, and their culinary skill speaks for itself. Four of them work open flames and countertops tirelessly, and have a bond with Ulguk that’s stronger than steel.


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