Treader, Halfling Ranger Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Treader, Halfling Ranger

Sitting in a dark corner of the first floor is a halfling wrapped in a dark green cloak, smoking a pipe whose glowing embers reveal watchful eyes. There are many stories about Treader. Some say he’s a fey in disguise, and descended from a royal line. Others say he’s the adventurous uncle of the place’s halfling servers. Treader is a regular, well-known to Barleyman. He keeps an eye on the place, swiftly escorting out troublemakers. In exchange, he gets a free room. Treader is a neutral good halfing veteran with the following modifications: he carries a shortbow instead of a heavy crossbow, he has 14 (+2) Dexterity, and wears a chain shirt under his faded traveler’s clothes (AC 15). He is tall and lean for a halfling—almost as tall as a dwarf! Treader is instantly recognizable by his oily, shoulderlength hair, short stubble, and twinkling blue eyes. Inbattle, he prefers to use his longsword two-handed.


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