Tomas Mallory Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Tomas Mallory

Tomas, is an enigmatic creature. He is a vampire searching for the original master that made him. His story is one of tragedy. In the year 740 p.m. Tomas Mallory was a poet of some mild renowed. He lived is what is now known as Cordon. He lived with his young bride Elizabeth, his muse and the love of his life. Before a wealthy patron came calling and offered to fund his next books of poetry if he would but write him a book of poetry for his personal collection. Withing the next year Tomas and Elizabeth lived with the Patron a mysterious benafactor by the name of Asher. All the while writting what would be (in Tomas's opinion his life's work) with Elizabeth by his side. When Tomas finally finished his work. Asher offered him a choice, Live forever and continue to create his beautiful art, or go home to Cordon and live out the rest of his short life in mediocrity. Month's later after choosing the later of the two options. The village was attacked by a group of vampires. Asher himself killed Elizabeth by ripping her heart in in front of Tomas before turning him into a vampire much like himself. Tomas endured a century of torture at the hands of Asher, before freeing himself. He has spent the last 300 hundered years searching for Asher and killing any vampire that managed to get in his way in the process.


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