The Wizards Organization in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The Wizards

Resting eternally in their chambers are six humanoid figures, four of which are female and two of which are male. All of the wizards lie dormant inside their crystal prisons, dimly lit by the magical glow that the crystals emit. They each wear robes of the archmagi and have their faces obscured by magical darkness. They will only speak once they have all been freed, and any threats have been dealt with. One of them will then ask the party about the time, location, and current chapter of reality they are in. The rest of them will spread through the tavern and clean out the changes brought on by Admindium. Once this is accomplished, they will escort the party out of the tavern before vanishing in the blink of an eye. If the party is respectful and informative, the wizard will offer them additional robes of the archmagi as thanks. If asked about their history, they will explain the true purpose of the tavern as stated in the Tavern History section. If asked what they mean by “chapter,” they will describe reality as a series of books that are separate but intertwined. The tavern is a vessel meant to traverse these “chapters” of reality and uncover the truth about their existence.


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