The Voice in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The Voice

Long ago, a now-vanished people lived in the caverns connected to the Ironstein Mine. Who they were has been lost in time, but the few rare cultural pieces found by sages suggest they were a society that practiced dark arts best left undiscovered. The Voice is a malevolent entity heralding back to this ancient civilization. Its ghostly form was trapped in a series of broken artifacts scattered throughout the caverns. Currently, it possesses only a fraction of its once considerable powers. It feeds on the unwary, luring them to their doom with its sinister voice. It was this malevolent spirit that forced the kobolds to seek shelter beneath the Ironstein Mine Tavern. The Voice is using Hermina as its mortal agent in the mines. She carries with her an old family heirloom made from a relic tied to the Voice. It has promised her great magical powers if she can repair its ancient shrine. Once completed, the shrine will empower the Voice, allowing it to claim the dark regions below the earth as it once did. The Voice exists as a group of will-o’-wisps roaming the deepest caverns. Should its plans succeed, it will transform into a dangerous wraith, intending to move beyond the caverns.


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