The Seeker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The Seeker

The Seeker is an androgynous tiefling who appears to be in their mid twenties. They have a soft cardinal-red complexion and short, ashen hair. Their short horns protrude from their forehead and point upward, while their thick tail sways proudly behind them. They wear tight-fitting leather armor, whose patterns and straps somewhat resemble attire worn at a formal celebration. The Seeker carries a large magical staff named Fabo Incartio, and a transforming musical instrument called Brassbox, but is otherwise unarmed. The Seeker is an incredibly difficult person to pin down, with their most notable trait being a loud and powerful presence. When roleplaying them, act and think as if your memory isn’t a part of your life. The Seeker’s focus is always and forever in the current moment, or on the next fun adventure that’s just around the corner. They greatly enjoy jokes at other people’s expense, and love telling complex stories that are entirely made up. This is especially true when describing the features and history of the taverns themselves. The players may find The Seeker at any tavern in your campaign, whether or not it is featured in this book. They are friendly and easily approachable, asking the party about their current going-ons but never prying. They are almost uncannily knowledgeable about local drama, warfare, and weather. If the players ask about the Seeker’s identity in any capacity, they will simply state they choose to be defined by their reputation above all else. This reputation, once gathered by other patrons, seems to be nonexistent. If anyone asks The Seeker about their past, they’ll either tell a grand tale that’s clearly larger than life, try to redirect the question, or divert their attention to an activity. Combat isn’t unfamiliar to this tiefling, although they most often use their words to start a brawl… and then promptly flee using their magical staff. In less tense situations, they prove to be incredibly acrobatic, practically dancing more than fighting. If the staff is stolen from them, they will teleport away before facing death. Later, they will secretly pursue the thief until they find an opportunity to steal it back. If the Seeker is somehow killed, they will reappear once the players enter a different tavern. They provide no explanation for the occurrence, and will act as though nothing has happened
The Seeker is a surprising sight in the tavern at deaths door, as they appear to be entirely consumed by misery. They seem the same age as whenever the party last saw them. When a player character enters the tavern, the Seeker will be thrown into a fit of pitiful rage, and exclaim through tears, “Why did you forget about me? After all I did for you… All I’m doing for you?” After the outburst, they will calm down, and explain that none of it matters anymore, eventually apologizing. The Seeker will then rest either at the bar, or in their room. The Seeker does not have Fab Incartio, who they imply abandoned them to somehow “keep living.” Cause of Death. Unknown, even by Death.


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