The Ronn Sisters Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The Ronn Sisters

Even though these elvish women refer to each other as “sister,” they look more like a young girl, a middle-aged woman, and a crone (each of them uses the green hag stat block). They are often in the fiber arts room, each working on her particular craft. The girl spins thread, the middle-aged woman weaves, and the crone cuts the cloth. Then together, they sew clothing from it. For the right price, they will make clothing for the player characters. Any clothing, be it shirt, pants, or a hat, will give the wearer a +2 to their Constitution score—fair, since they will request the character’s vitality in exchange (if the clothes are removed or destroyed, the wearer’s maximum hit points are reduced by a number equal to twice their level). The hit points, somehow, are spun, woven, and sewn into the clothing they make. They all sleep in one guest room.


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