The One Who Will Not Leave Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The One Who Will Not Leave

This ghost has been a part of the tavern almost since its inception. He is found in various spots, but he never speaks unless he is spotted in the final room of the level one dungeon. He was the first casualty in the level two dungeon, and the first to be grafted onto Mors Ursi. Something went awry with the spell used to add his body to the Mors Ursi, and now his soul is tied to the tavern, trying to warn people to quit while they’re ahead. He is unidentifiable from his features, but there is something oddly familiar about his armor if people have met Miss Linger. He will never appear in the same room as Miss Linger. He haunts all of the second story of the tavern, and also can be spotted in the Incorporeal Instruction Room and the Lair of the Vampires room near the statues and rosebush.


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