The Flying Fun Guys in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The Flying Fun Guys

A human family acrobatic troupe of nine commoners, the Flying Fun Guys have been a regular entertainment act at the Fungal Grotto for years. They are completely ordinary humans except for their exceptional acrobatic abilities and their open embrace of fungal culture. The children have grown up around the mushrooms and are quite at home playing with them, eating them, and feeding them with any dead animals they find. Fergus, the patriarch, is a jolly lover of “dad jokes” as evidenced by the name of their troop from his favorite joke: “A mushroom walks into a tavern. The barkeep says, ‘We don’t serve your kind here!’ The mushroom replies, ‘Why not? I’m a fun guy!’” Francine, the matriarch, is more serious and demands quite a lot of both herself and her family during practice and performance. She is a loving mother, if a bit strict with her children. The children range in age from 6 to 18 and are named Frank, Freda, Forrest, Fila, Flovis, Fern, and Firsa. The youngest, Firsa, has a close relationship with the sporelings and tends to creep about the tavern observing, so she is full of information that she doesn’t realize is useful. The Flying Fun Guys perform in the Truffle Theater, and can also be found in their rooms.


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