The “Rats” Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

The “Rats”

The Bloated Bounty is crawling with rats. However, in truth, (almost) all of these rats are imps in disguise. A paladin’s divine sense and similar divining abilities can immediately notice their true nature. In total there are 30 of them on the main floor, with a handful that travel the city as scouts. The rats are trying their best to seem inconspicuous. They’ll skitter around, eavesdrop on patrons, and bring reports back to Squawk or one of the more powerful devils. The imps are one of the most valuable parts of Rajiv’s intelligence network—he promises privacy within the tavern but, through the imps, he secretly hears everything. Creatures who attack or otherwise try to catch the rats may be surprised by their elusiveness or cleverness. The imps will skitter out of sight, turn invisible, then sneak back to their targets. If no one else is around, they might break character to heckle and taunt the intrusive patron.


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