Taski the Ogre Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Taski the Ogre

Despite being an ogre, Taski is one of the most liked members of the Teapot Temple. He is a general laborer helping all aspects of the operations, particularly when muscle is needed. The ogre is soft-spoken, with a surprisingly high voice. He is good friends with Warai and shares a comfortable cottage with the tanuki. During the day, Taski can be seen carrying supplies throughout the grounds. His evenings are spent in the tavern drinking with Warai and occasionally playing the drums to accompany Shami. Taski is generally non-violent. If combat breaks out, he will defend nearby patrons by positioning himself between them and the threat and using the Dodge action on his turns, hoping to allow others to escape. He will attack only if someone appears in grave danger.   What He Knows. Taski claims to have seen the ghostly forms of both Namidaryu and Aibo. Relations to the Spirits. Namidaryu frightens Taski, as the dragon spirit always looks angry. In contrast, Taski says Aibo seems sad most of the time, though he thinks he saw her smile sitting in the rafters listening to Shami play her lute.


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