Takukane “Tak” Goldenscale Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Takukane “Tak” Goldenscale

Takukane (dragonborn veteran) is the ambitious owner of the Teapot Temple. He arrived less than a year ago, transforming this forgotten shrine into a highly commercialized getaway. “Tak” is eager to grow the tavern into a financial success—he has invested significant sums in the venture but has not yet turned a profit. He has little care to follow tradition or to take care of this once-sacred space. Instead, Takukane caters to his guests’ mercurial whims to please visitors and earn coin at every opportunity. Tak spends most of his time focusing on customers in the main building or assisting Jasmine in the tea house. In the evenings, he collapses exhausted into a restless sleep in his private cottage.   Nightmares. Since shortly after opening the tavern, Takukane has been plagued by nightmares of a dragon chasing him. The dreams continue to this day, leaving the dragonborn owner exhausted. He has kept his nightmares secret, and others attribute his weariness to working too hard. Tak mistakenly believes an unknown guest cursed him for unsatisfactory service. He has convinced himself that the only way to be free of this curse is to provide exemplary service to the disgruntled individual. To entice the mysterious guest to return, Tak focuses on transforming the Teapot Temple into a hot spot that everyone yearns to visit. He has taken a cue from his nightmares that the tavern needs even more dragon memorabilia, and continues to replace old art with dragon-themed kitsch.   The Truth. Tak is not cursed as he thinks. Every evening he is accosted by Namidaryu’s spirit, who haunts his dreams. The dragon spirit will continue to disrupt Tak’s sleep until changes are made to how the tavern is run or the dragon spirit is put to rest.   Personality. Takukane is overly friendly, ingratiating himself to every customer. He tries to accommodate even the most outlandish requests to humorously garish effect. Takukane does his best to hide his exhaustion and concerns regarding his curse.   Relations to the Spirits. Tak will grow desperate as the dragon spirit’s activities increasingly affect his business. He will plead with player characters to help deal with the problem—he will do anything to save his business.


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