Sylla Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Sylla, a female dryad, was a part of the forest long before the tavern was opened. At first resistant to the idea, she has grown to love her job as bartender, as well as the inn and the people who work there and visit—provided they follow the rules. Her bark-like skin immediately marks her for what she is in her natural form. However, she normally uses an illusion spell to mask her appearance somewhat so that she looks, at first glance, like a wood lf that just happens to have long, flowing green hair. A DC 14 Insight or Nature check will reveal her true nature in spite of the illusion. Regulars to the tavern already know her secret, and she has a following among locals for her amazing drink concoctions. When on duty, Sylla is found in the main hall. Once the bar is closed, she usually melds into the tree to rest. If a player character is particularly kind to her or does something beneficial for the tavern or nature in general, she may cast goodberry and give the healing berries to them. As a dryad, Sylla is capable of charming up to three creatures or humanoids at a time. With enough goodwill, she can potentially be enlisted to help Kark in the Dear Cyrano quest.


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