Stibbles Muckscooples Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Stibbles Muckscooples

Stibbles is a fun-loving male gnome druid who wears a red conical hat. He seems to have died midway through his second century, judging by his long white beard. Stibbles spends most of his time in the public areas of the tavern, reciting stories of fascinatingly tragic events—either that, or insulting people’s choices. Stibbles is remarkably wise, but his insensitive comments have led him to become somewhat infamous in the tavern. He might explain that he stays at Death’s Door because he enjoys talking to people, but in reality he is afraid to move on. A DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check may reveal that he seems to be waiting for someone to pass through with.   Cause of Death. After a night of drunken debauchery, as a brief respite from adventuring with his friends, Stibbles returned to a tense situation. One of his close friends was possessed by a powerful spirit, and threatened to kill the others. Stibbles baited the spirit into the forest, and after a fierce druidic battle, was decapitated. His friends were able to escape as a result.


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