Squawk the Raven Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Squawk the Raven

Of all the devils Ozemnos has summoned to help in the Bloated Bounty, the imp calling herself “Squawk” is the most troublesome. The imp is one of Ozemnos’s most loyal and ambitious followers—a dangerous combination among devils. Squawk is eager to impress her boss, and often does so by crafting elaborate, overly complicated schemes for herself and the other imps in the tavern. Most of these include slander, framing, or other troublesome jobs that can be done at a distance. Squawk spends most of her time disguised as a raven, and sits in an unlocked cage in the reception area. She starts and ends every sentence with a loud, obnoxious squawk, as if this somehow makes a talking bird less conspicuous. She has learned to recite a variety of phrases in simple “bird-brain” deliveries, but struggles to keep up the facade when questioned.


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