Shuman Brightspire Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Shuman Brightspire

The Teapot Temple has its own brewmaster, Shuman Brightspire (half-elf guard). He works studiously in the brewery, where he creates various rice-based alcoholic drinks including beer, wine, and shuchu sold at the bar. Warai is supposed to help Shuman, but to avoid work the tanuki shared fey secrets with Shuman that greatly enhanced the quality of what he makes. As a result, Shuman doesn’t mind that Warai is rarely there to help him.   What He Knows. Shuman has limited knowledge of the spirits in the garden. He’s heard rumors and can suggest the characters speak with other employees such as Warai, Niwash, or Jasmine to learn more.   Relations to the Spirits. Namidaryu greatly enjoyed drinking shochu when he was alive and in human form. Some of Shuman’s brews can be used to help calm the spirits.


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