Shami Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Shami is an attractive androgynous human (noble) and celebrated musician of the tavern. They are in a relationship with Jasmine, sharing a comfortable cottage. On most nights, Shami is in the tavern singing or playing one of their instruments—they are equally talented playing the lyre, flute, and lute. Shami enjoys harmonizing with other musicians and loves having Taski join them on stage with his drum. What They Know. Shami is aware that spirits haunt the grounds and has seen an apparition of a beautiful woman floating near the ceiling during their performances. Shami isn’t aware that this was the spirit of Aibo, but believes it liked their music.   Relationship to the Spirits. Shami caught sight of Aibo smiling when they played an old song. Aibo used to play the same song for Namidaryu when they were alive. Playing this music beside Namidaryu’s resting place is one way to open the passage to the cavern containing his remains.


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