Sep Zittel Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Sep Zittel

Sep is the jovial male cuttlefolk host and barkeep of The Drunken Treasure. He perfectly embodies the blend of surface and sea cultures that permeates The Drunken Treasure’s ambience. Sep is fluent in many languages, which, coupled with his easygoing manner, makes him an excellent conversationalist. Sep is fiercely proud of his concoctions’ ability to be mixed and consumed even in a watery environment. Word is that he is considering taking an apprentice to share his secrets with. The magic that he uses to mix various drinks underwater is very specialized, and he would love to pass his secret along to one who truly appreciates it. Sep is considered “odd” by most of his fellow cuttlefolk, as he rarely uses his illusory abilities. When not tending to his concoctions, Sep enjoys watching the light show.


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