Sami Yanay Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Sami Yanay

Sami is a jolly middle-aged man using the noble statistics but with a base HP of 33. He has salt-and-pepper hair, vibrant green eyes, and an even brighter smile. Sami wears relatively wealthy clothing, and a small array of modest jewelry and piercings. He is an avid businessman by experience, and loves nothing more than running such a successful and fascinating operation. Although, you could note that this is a lie he tells himself—in his heart, Sami’s bond to the tavern stems from his love for Kem. Sami spends all of his time running the tavern, checking up on guests, helping the other staff members, and doing loads of paperwork. He can be found anywhere in the tavern, though he almost never ventures into The Ruins. He is also in charge of informing Kem where The Wildaback must go in order to reach the next settlement. He sees most of the staff as his family, which he’s beenable to grow thanks to Kem’s support.


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