Rotmin the Supplier Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Rotmin the Supplier

A dwarven veteran hunter, Rotmin (or “Shroomy” to his friends) stumbled across the Fungal Grotto years ago while mining. Once he tasted the delectable fare, it became his favorite place and he will often come for a few days to partake of all the varied mushroom dishes. He can be found eating in the garden patio, eating in Gyro’s Bar, or eating in his room. Some of his reactions to the food imply an addiction to it, and he cannot go more than a month without returning to the Fungal Grotto to partake of the mushrooms. Characters may also encounter him in the fungal fields that surround the tavern. He rarely pays coin for his room and board, but instead comes bearing creatures in various stages of decay. It is best not to ask too many questions about the manner of their deaths…


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