Qinlar Ravengleam Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Qinlar Ravengleam

Qinlar Ravengleam is a stout male dwarf (veteran, but with a Wisdom of 16), with remarkably chiseled features, a glorious orange-red mustache and short, curled beard, and jaunty demeanor. He wears a clean white shirt and splints on his arms and legs for protection. He serves as the receptionist and bouncer for the tavern checking in new entrants and their belongings. He makes regular rounds, but he can usually be found at the guest check-in. Qinlar is oddly observant and occasionally blunt, able to pick up on incredibly minor details about visitors, such as their relationships or injuries. He was the first hire on The Wildaback, and helped assemble some of its current structure.


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