Poziver Dench Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Poziver Dench

Poziver is a male forest gnome commoner and the Keeper of the Bees, with a base Charisma score of 14 and Wisdom of 15. Small in stature but large in personality, Poziver is well-known throughout the entire forest for his way with insects of all kinds. Extremely nearsighted, he wears a pair of round goggles created for him by Tamm Torgin, which makes his eyes appear about twice their actual size. He was hired by Gwynyn Oakenlock to keep the bees, but only agreed to the job after tasting her honey mead, as he prefers to live away from others. If player characters engage Poziver in friendly conversation (he particularly loves talking about his hobbies and love of insects over a pint), they may discover one or more of these helpful facts, especially if he is drunk. Roll 1d6:
  1. Bees can be made calm enough to work with by spraying the area with a 1:1 mixture of water and dissolved sugar
  2. Smoking a hive can confuse the bees long enough to collect what you need
  3. Crushing a bee causes it to release an alarm pheromone, alerting the rest of the hive to danger
  4. Bees do not like strong vibrations, so banging on a hive is a bad idea
  5. Sunrise and sunset are the worst times to open a hive 6. Keeping a calm state of mind is essential to working with bees
  He is most often found in the apiary or in the main hall for his daily ration of mead.


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