Polyp and Plankton Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Polyp and Plankton

Twin merfolk Polyp and Plankton are in charge of moving herds of large seahorses across the sea each season. After they have successfully delivered the herds to their charges, they like to take a holiday in The Drunken Treasure. Sometimes they have seahorses of various sizes staying with them. The smaller ones are quite adorable, the larger ones less so, especially when they steal food from patrons. Polyp and Plankton know the area quite well and are worth talking to if the party needs information for when they depart The Drunken Treasure. They often are in the kennels checking on their smaller seahorses. Very displeased by seahorse thieves, their unrivaled speed and navigation will lead to a swift scolding and a demand for payment. However, if properly convinced, and promised the return of their lot, they will let other guests borrow their seahorses as mounts.


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