Pip Pip Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Pip Pip

Pip Pip is a sentient gelatinous cube that functions as the tavern’s janitor. He spends most of his time behind the bar, where Grudd feeds dirty plates and mugs into his mass. Pip Pip has been in this tavern longer than anyone can remember, and seems to linger entirely out of contempt. He will openly speak to guests, finding great pleasure in hearing how horribly they died. His ability to selectively consume what he touches helps make food service and scraps easier to handle.   Cause of Death. Only Death knows what claimed Pip Pip, but not even Death knows why Pip Pip was deemed worthy of the tavern. He apparently gained his sentience after trying to consume a magic staff, which promptly turned the newly sapient ooze into a pool of still water. A wandering traveler plucked the staff from the fluid, and left the immobile ooze to starve.


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