Phara Molusca Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Phara Molusca

Phara is the cuttlefolk technician for the breathing apparatuses that are available to surface-dwellers. Every surface dweller is given one upon their check-in to The Drunken Treasure. They must be replenished with coral each day, or they lose their functionality and will cease to provide oxygen. Phara is the person to see if you have any issues at all. She is currently trying to adapt the apparatuses so that she and other cuttlefolk can use them to visit the surface. She is quite shy and is more comfortable talking to people if they have an apparatus for her to fix, as it gives her something to do with her hands (and tentacles). Her natural color shifts and her demeanor radically changes at any mention of Sep, making it very clear she has unspoken feelings for him. However, Phara will be the last to actually admit this.


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