Ozemnos the Overseer Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Ozemnos the Overseer

Disguised as a towering, muscular tiefling noble in fine, tight-fitting clothing, Ozemnos the Overseer is a pit fiend with the ability to change its shape and size at will. Years ago, Rajiv freed him from an iron flask, and Ozemnos decided to repay the favor with a short century of service. Ozemnos knows he could cut his service short at any time, and Rajiv couldn’t stop him, but Ozemnos has grown fond of the rogue and works with him willingly. Lifetimes ago, Ozemnos the Overseer led an overambitious invasion of the mortal plane. He was defeated by adventurers, who trapped him in an iron flask. After centuries of humiliating imprisonment, Ozemnos came to the conclusion that his ambitions were overzealous. During his contemplation, he imagined ways to corrupt mortals through subtler means, “to bleed the righteousness from them, rather than amputate it.” When Rajiv freed him, he had a chance to put his scheme to the test. The pair opened the Bloated Bounty together. Through Rajiv’s criminal contacts and Ozemnos’s devilish influence, they were able to catalyze a nexus of corruption, advancing the devil’s interests while turning a profit for Rajiv. Ozemnos is patient to the point of seeming lazy, due to his newfound immortal patience. However, traumatized by his lengthy imprisonment, he insists on leaving an open door or window in any room he enters. He prefers to stay in the more open rooms of the tavern—particularly the courtyard and upper atrium—when he chooses to visit. He spends the majority of his time visiting nobles and kings, both in the city and in surrounding settlements, perpetuating sinister schemes. When he retires, which occurs often, his courtyard visits are spent in a partial slumber. Interacting with him may lead to interesting offers or conversations, but he will seem disinterested in anything but schemes and rumors.


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