Other Crew in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Other Crew

Given the Grand Shanty has a host of ghosts keeping the ship in good working order, Artimesia has little need for many employees. The boat hasn’t sailed for years. Her small crew only knows how to run the tavern and has little to no sailing experience. Most of the staff relax in the common lower deck or sleep in the nearby hammocks when not working. Her remaining crew, all commoners, are:  Eugenia T. Malenthorpe (human) – carpenter and general repairs, sleeps in a private room.  Bart Grundspatch (gnome) – wait staff, sleeps in a hammock  Sala Feintank (half-elf) – wait staff and budding artist, sleeps in a hammock  Thragg Thunderarm (half-orc) – cook’s assistant, sleeps in a hammock  Gimp Bigits (human) – general laborer, sleeps in a hammock


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