Nova Baker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Nova Baker

Nova Baker is Larry’s late wife. She was a tan-skinned woman with light freckles and a warm smile, who spent most of her time tending to the life around her—caring for Larry, her sons, and her lush garden outside the tavern, she was the center of the old tavern’s world. People who remember her might admit they would visit the tavern for a tall ale and an eyeful of her summer dresses, which only accentuated her vibrant beauty. She married Larry while they were still young, as they were both excited to begin a long life with a large family. Hoping for a daughter, they continued their pursuit until their fourth child was conceived. However, Nova died shortly after the birth of her first daughter, losing the fleeting chance to see her own wish granted.
In Tavern At Deaths Door.  Nova is a human woman (commoner) who died in her early 30s. Her eyes seem to look past people’s eyes and into their hearts. She wears a white summer dress that compliments her form as much as her personality. Nova stays in her room at most times, but will happily greet new guests and try to ease their pain. When not in her room, Nova ventures into the Nothing Beyond, trying to foster the growth of the berries somehow. Nova finds it difficult to talk about her past, but after some time she will tell her story. Nova was an only child who would often hide from her family and explore the wilds. She had a passion for plants and vines, but eventually found her passion tied to a man named Larry. Inspiring Larry to start a tavern for families, they quickly made their own after a time. Larry wanted a daughter, and after having three sons, they decided to try one last time. Nova never learned if their fourth child was a girl or not, but she hopes for Larry’s sake that it was.   Cause of Death. Nova was an active gardener and housewife to the owner of a tavern. Nova’s desire to have a daughter grew stronger after her two eldest sons left home, but her life ended in the throes of labor.


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