Nora Treeforge Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Nora Treeforge

Nora Treeforge is a halfling druid. Treeforge is stout, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and well tanned skin from working outside. She wears comfortable but sturdy leathers and quite often has vines or leaves stuck in her hair. She can be found at nearly any time of night or day in the Rooftop Terraced Garden, though she periodically takes cat naps with her pseudodragon in the Cosmotarius. She is always looking for new plants to cultivate and will pay for seeds. Sadly, Treeforge is cursed with chronic pain, and is searching for methods to alleviate her daily battle with it. She has a pet pseudodragon named Wiyula that follows her everywhere and assists her as it can


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