Niwash the Gardiner in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Niwash the Gardiner

Niwash is the dedicated dwarven gardener who keeps the property in its pristine state. He is dedicated to his job and dislikes Takukane’s recent changes. Niwash is never without his enchanted shovel (effectively a +1 glaive), and he can readily defend himself with it. Niwash uses berserker stats with the following action replacing the greataxe attack:
  Enchanted Shovel. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) slashing damage.
  A Gift for Heroes. If the characters perform great deeds to protect the gardens, Niwash may grant them his enchanted shovel as thanks. He will not do so if he is aware they disrespected the spirits or the ancient shrine’s sanctity.
  What He Knows. Niwash believes the spirits who were once revered here still haunt the property and are likely unhappy with Takukane’s changes. Niwash knows of a legend that says the waterfall is made from the tears of an ancient dragon who died of heartbreak and whose bones are the rocks over which the water flows. Hearing the song of his love will assuage the dragon’s sadness for a time. This tale alludes to a way to open Namidaryu’s hidden tomb beneath the waterfall.
  Relations to the Spirits. Niwash respects the sacred spirits of the gardens and does his best to honor them. Niwash is an effective combatant who can aid the characters if a situation turns dire.


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