Nithi, Dithi, and Glatha, Dwarven Refugees Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Nithi, Dithi, and Glatha, Dwarven Refugees

A family of dwarven musicians—Nithi and her two nieces arrived at the tavern only a few days ago. They are refugees from Khaz Durun, a small dwarven stronghold that has been overrun by Scorcher, a young red dragon and his goblin minions. Nithi has long, dark hair that she wears in braids inlaid with golden bands. She plays a magnificent golden harp that she rescued from Khaz Durun. Her nieces have similar appearances, but Dithi is more restrained and deliberate, while Glatha is boisterous and hot-blooded. Dithi has a soft, sweet singing voice, while Glatha plays the horn. Impressed by their talents and fascinated by their story, Burton offered to let them stay for free if they played music for the tavern. The dwarves agreed to play, but stubbornly insisted on paying Burton out of the tips they earn each night. Their songs are proud, but melancholy—lengthy ballads describing the splendor of their home, and the deeds of dwarven heroes.


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