Namidaryu Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Namidaryu is the awakened spirit of an adult gold dragon, cursed to haunt the grounds of the ancient shrine. Recently, the Teapot Temple’s new owner’s actions have greatly offended Namidaryu, and he has begun tormenting the dragonborn owner in his sleep. Namidaryu is particularly angry about the failure to honor his love, Aibo. Actions that honor him and not his love do little to reduce his anger. To permanently put the dragon spirit to rest, his remains must receive a proper burial in accordance with the tradition in this region. Jasmine is aware of this ritual, and it is also described in books stored in the tea house. Until this happens, Takukane and the Teapot Temple will always be the target of the dragon spirit’s anger.   Manifestation. Namidaryu rarely manifests and is unable to communicate with the living. He has two forms depending on his mood: that of a weak, translucent gold dragon, or an enraged cloud of pulsing energy. (use the gold dragon wyrmling statistics, except its size is huge, and it is immune to cold and necrotic damage). If Namidaryu’s form is killed, he will reform the following evening at sunset, more enraged than before. Only completing a traditional funeral ceremony for his remains will finally grant the spirit its final rest


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