Mors Ursi Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Mors Ursi

Adventurers who reach the final room in the secondlevel dungeon must face the ultimate challenge: a monster formed from all the bodies of those who have ever fallen in the dungeon. Formed into a shape resembling a massive bear, this abomination continually adds to its mass with fresh dead to replace those that have decayed entirely. It wields a massive sword that magically absorbs materials from the weapons of the dead. New bodies are automatically grafted onto Mors Ursi upon their death in either level of the dungeon. The Mors Ursi was originally created by Berala, but now Selanas maintains the enchantment that keeps the Mors Ursi able to absorb bodies. The Mors Ursi is encountered by players in the final room of the Advanced Dungeon Level, and is also found incapaciated in the Mors Ursi Maintenance room.


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