Miss Linger Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Miss Linger

The ghost manager of the Dungeon of Darkness, Miss Linger mainly stays in the library until it is time to escort someone to the dungeons through the orientation room. However, she checks in on the more active rooms in the tavern such as the Dead Dining Room, the kitchen, and the upstairs hallway. In life, she was a paladin who became quite renowned before meeting an untimely end in battle. Her fame passed out of spoken history and was forgotten, but her spirit was tied to the Dungeon of Darkness and here she remains. Noble in birth and bearing in life, she is deeply bitter about her afterlife of service. Still, she is an excellent hostess, greeting guests at the door and giving them instructions before they enter the dungeons. No one knows for sure exactly who she was in life, as she is always helmeted and her armor gives no clues, other than that she must have lived about five hundred years ago. Rumor has it that some old journals in the library offer clues to her true identity.


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