Milo Undermound, Halfling Thief Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Milo Undermound, Halfling Thief

Every now and then, Milo Undermound, a notorious halfling burglar, appears in the tavern. Milo Undermound recently snuck into a tower not far from the tavern and stole a great deal of treasure (including his ring) from a wicked sorcerer named Baradur. He will happily tell the story (greatly exaggerated, and with no mention of the magic ring) to anyone who asks, raving about the many perils and precious treasures he allegedly nicked from under the sorcerer’s nose. He’s used some of his ill-gotten gains to buy a room in the tavern, which he usually retreats to after sunset. Milo is also responsible for running Riddles After Dark, a recurring trivia night-like event at the tavern.  Milo’s Ring. The ring of invisibility Milo carries is actually a cursed item. Each time a creature attunes to the ring, it must roll a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it gains the following flaw: “I treasure this ring above all my other possessions.” The curse persists even if the owner loses the ring, or ends their attunement to it. Milo and Baradur both failed their saving throws against the ring’s curse, which is why Milo won’t part with it, and why Baradur longs to have it returned. A remove curse spell can end the effect, but the curse is subtle enough that the creature may not consciously be aware of it.


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