Meecaw Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Meecaw (halfling commoner) runs the kitchen. She is a boisterous whirlwind of a personality who doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She readily speaks her mind, keeping anyone who sets foot into her kitchen on their toes. Meecaw has little time for chit chat and tries not to think about the ancient spirits she knows still haunt the property. She believes they had their time in the mortal world, and it is about time they moved on and left this place to the living.   What She Knows. Meecaw suspects the spirits are the cause of Takukane’s exhaustion and blames them for everything else that goes wrong in the Tavern, too. Meecaw believes Jasmine is foolish for spending so much time worrying about what spirits think.   Relationship to the Spirits. Meecaw would rather not hear anything about the spirits and has no desire to pay them reverence unless it means they’ll leave and never bother the living again. When things become dire, Meecaw will leave the property, further escalating Takukane’s need to deal with the situation.


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