Machi Ironsong Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Machi Ironsong

Machi is a bitter and humorless gnome guard who was the victim of one of Warai’s harmless pranks and has tracked the tanuki to this tavern. The detail of the harmless prank is left to the GM’s imagination, but could include having her hands temporarily dyed green, becoming drenched with water before a formal event, or some other minor inconvenience.   Machi’s Quest. Machi carries an intense hatred for Warai and wants violent revenge on the mischievous fey. If she recognizes the player characters as seasoned adventurers, she will attempt to convince them that Warai is a dangerous threat that must be dealt with. She has little to offer beyond 20 gp, but will play on their fears that the innocent-looking tanuki is a deadly fey waiting to strike.


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