Luna Baker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Luna Baker

Luna is Larry’s youngest child and only daughter. She has pale, almost ashen skin, and vibrant blond hair. Born from tragedy, Luna quickly became the brightest light in Larry’s quickly darkening world. For a year and a half, Larry raised her alone as his tavern fell apart from neglect. Due to the rapid decline of his business, the terms of Larry’s deal soon caught up with him. One morning Larry woke to find his daughter’s crib empty, with a note in her place that read, “Your business cannot fail, Larry. Until you can take care of your family, the task will fall to me.” Unable to refuse, and unable to leave his tavern in search of Luna, Larry continued to operate Poor Larry’s in hopes of someday earning his daughter back. Luna is currently under the effects of a sequester spell, in a hidden compartment in her room behind the painting.


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