Lumeir in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


The archmage Lumeir is as obsessed with mushrooms as Foof, although his uses for them and attitude are completely different. While Foof talks about mushrooms in an excited, loving way, Lumeir discusses them with a clinical, evaluating detachment. He and Foof do not get along and do their best to avoid each other. The gardeners also dislike Lumeir and often need to shoo him away from the nursery. Lumeir would like nothing better than to have a sporeling of his own, and if a character happens to have one from the nursery he will try to convince them to give it to him, despite the sporeling very visibly not wanting to go with him. Giving a sporeling to Lumeir will result in banishment from the Fungal Grotto. Through his experimentations with mushrooms (some that the fungaloids mutter are unnatural, and there is VERY little that disturbs fungaloids), Lumeir has developed some unique potions. He will exchange those for more supplies—since so many of the mushrooms are suspicious of him, they will no longer voluntarily offer themselves or their brethren to him. He is usually on the patio, at Gyro’s Bar, or in his room.


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