lord Tavarious Gammon Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

lord Tavarious Gammon

Lord Tavarious Gammon is an obese human noble, whose form hides experienced muscles. Lord Gammon dresses extravagantly even by noble standards: silks, satins, brocades, and the like. He wears his hair slicked back and tucked behind his ears, giving him a slightly oily appearance. While his expression is haughty, there is something rough around the edges about him, notable due to a few scars on his hands and face. He fancies himself a ladies man and, if the players’ party includes a woman, he will likely flirt with her if his wife and mistress are not around. He spends most of his time in the bar car, or in his luxury room.
Important Note. Lord Gammon does not board the train until a point after the party has boarded, unless the GM avoids the events of Accusations Fly.

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