Lord Darus Almanor Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Lord Darus Almanor

If the idea of peacocking were to become personified, it would be Lord Almanor. While only average height, this human noble manages to appear taller, perhaps because of the long, flowing, fur-trimmed silk capes that he wears. He wears a number of ornate gloves, and has a pair to match every outfit. Lord Almanor’s neck is wreathed in multiple bejeweled golden chains and his ears are studded with gems. His manner is high-handed and there is a cruel cut to his face, even when he is smiling, as his smile never reaches his eyes. The great Lord Almanor is always looking for ways to fleece his fellow man, and openly makes grandiose offers to guests aboard the Rail-Away. In most contracts, he requests suspiciously personal information… almost as if he’s searching for means to blackmail everyone he deals with.

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