Larry Baker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Larry Baker

Larry Baker is an exhausted looking human man in his mid 40s. (Use the commoner stat block, with the following change: Larry cannot be killed by any means other than a wish or divine intervention. When he drops to 0 hit points, he falls unconscious instead of dying and wakes up 1d4 hours later.) His bald head is covered by a worn blue coif, which nearly matches his dirty flower-patterned shirt. He is lean and stands a little over 6 feet. His eyebrows are the only tense muscles on his face, displaying nothing but profound worry over his lifeless eyes. When talking to patrons and other guests, he puts on a service-grade smile and tries to meet their every need. He will write off any concerns about the tavern or his own wellbeing with an “upside” to the issue. Examples are written in the room descriptions. Larry runs his tavern alone, which is part of the reason it has fallen into such a disparaged state. He treats every new guest as if they were his own child, devoting nearly all of his attention and care to their wellbeing. Always happy to lend an ear or a helping hand, Larry should come off as someone who would be happy to join the party. However, when you describe his actions, always have the outcome be a tragicomic failure. Most guests enjoy the tavern solely for the schadenfreude that invariably ensues. Even actions as simple as carrying bags upstairs will end with Larry tumbling from the top step, landing covered in a guest’s belongings. Larry doesn’t complain, and accepts everything that happens to him. If asked about the mockery, he explains that he is happy to bring people joy, no matter the cause. Players who get to know Larry will eventually witness him break down and ask for help. He doesn’t know exactly what to do, but he is aware that his life and tavern are in shambles. This should lead the party to help clean up the rooms, and begin the event Poor, Sweet Larry.


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