Lady Anima in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Lady Anima

Lady Anima is a powerful female centaur, who spends most of her time drinking spirits at the bar. She wears full plate armor, with the notable feature of an arrow sticking out of the visor. Underneath the armor are countless scars from various battles, paired with tribal tattoos that run down her arms. Lady Anima is a woman of few words, but she has a tendency to listen to guests’ troubles. Asking other guests about her is the only way to initially learn of her fate, but approaching lady Anima knowing her story may lead to an open conversation.
  Cause of Death. Lady Anima was once a knight sworn to protect a princess—one that she had grown very fond of. In their world a war against old spirits had left everything in near devastation, and their mission was the last hope for their kingdom. The princess was slain by a stray arrow during a skirmish that Anima was able to win before realizing what had happened. Wracked by grief, Anima decided to share her beloved’s fate.


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