Kem Kasik Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Kem Kasik

Kem Kasik is a young-looking human man with shoulderlength dark hair, dark eyes, and golden toned skin. He wears simple, light clothes, sandals, and a tabard bearing a depiction of The Wildaback’s face. On his head sits an ornate circlet made of what looks like either ivory or stone, a symbol of his authority over The Wildaback, and at his side sits a hooked rope he uses for quick travel around his old friend. He occasionally uses a +3 longbow and a defender (shortsword). Kem shares deep relationships with both his ancient friend The Wildaback, and his romantic partner Sami. He spends most of his time on the Crown (area D), hunting for food during pauses, or venturing into The Ruins. On rare occasions he will settle into the tavern, drinking quietly and asking visitors about their experiences. Once an avid spiritual wanderer, Kem became the immortal caretaker of The Wildaback ages ago. After his years of isolation, Sami’s arrival brought him new life, but with the success of the tavern keeping Sami busy, he sometimes feels alone again. Use the cult fanatic stat block for Kem, with the following changes:
  • He has 88 (16d8 + 16) hit points • His spell save DC is 16, and his spell attack bonus is +8 • His CR is effectively 5 (1,800 XP)


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