Keeper of the Bar Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Keeper of the Bar

The Keeper of the Bar appears to be a humanoid but looks more like a portal into the stars than a three dimensional person. It wears a green vest over a baggy tunic and a small black hat. The Keeper of the Bar can always be found in the Daydream’s bars and taprooms, but can visit the kitchens and lobbies if the GM wishes. Its origins are unknown, and its telepathic voice seems uncomfortably similar to the listener’s own voice. It spends all its time working the bar, gathering dishes, and directing Those Who Clean to fix up the room after any messy situations occur. The Keeper of the Bar has vast knowledge of all cocktails and types of fermentations, and is seemingly able to retrieve any drink that the patron desires—even ones from other taverns.


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